Wallet chains have been around for decades and have been popularized by various subcultures, from bikers to punk rockers. However, over the years, wallet chains have also become a fashion accessory for mainstream consumers.
A lot of people are not familiar with wallet chains. Wallet chain is a fashionable accessory that is usually attached to a purse or wallet for added protection and style. It can come in different materials like stainless steel, brass or leather. Conventionally, it is worn to secure one's wallet and keep them in place. In the past, it's only popular among bikers and truckers. Nowadays, it's becoming a modish trend to anyone's outfit. They simple hang it onto jeans, bags, purses, wallets and around their neck and waist. Celebrities like David Beckham, Jason Momoa and T-Pain are some of the celebrities who usually appear with wallet chains on their casual outfits.